Delight In the Exquisite Pleasure of Being Alive

Discover Your Pleasure Archetypes

Free Live Online Workshop

Reveal the simple Pleasures that awaken your untamed aliveness

Embrace Your Ecstatic Self

What's Your Pleasure?

In a society that demands relentless productivity, constant striving for achievement and external validations of self-worth, it's easy to lose touch with the simple, yet profound, joys of existence.

What if the secret to a life of boundless joy and fulfillment lies not in seeking more, but in awakening to the pleasure already present within?

Within you is a sanctuary of wonder and aliveness where every moment is a celebration of your existence.

Your Archetype Guide

Kat Burrowes

Over the past 30+ years I've guided thousands of people to embody their fullest self-expression through transformational explorations in consciousness.

I discovered that pleasure is not merely a destination but a path... a dance of light and shadow within us.

Pleasure Archetypes are energetic mirrors reflecting the myriad ways we experience and interact with aliveness - each archetype a key to revealing the doors of perception within our own hearts.

Let's go on a journey together reclaiming our inherent right to feel deeply connected, wholly accepted, and vibrantly alive. In this space, we are reminded that every breath is an invitation - to explore, to connect, to savor...

Experience pleasure as a natural state of being and transform each moment into an oasis of joy & happiness.

Embody Your Wholeness

Release your resistance to the shadows that keep you from bringing forth all of who you are, and rekindle your sense of wonder in an intimate embrace with the present moment. From savoring a cup of tea to basking in the warmth of the sun, let these moments remind you of the beauty and ecstasy of existence.

Identify Archetypal Patterns

Explore the different Pleasure Archetypes and the energetic patterns expressed by your innermost desires and motivations. As you uncover the hidden treasures of joy, desire, and satisfaction within, you'll begin to experience life's subtle beauties in profoundly new ways.

Cultivate Somatic Awareness

Discover the pleasure of being alive in your own skin. Open a deep, intuitive connection with the wisdom of your body, learning to listen and respond to the still small voice within. This connection fosters a deep sense of belonging to yourself, to life, and to the world around you.

We fully support and advocate for equality including BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ and bodily autonomy rights. We welcome all genders, all identities, all people.

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